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Trade Leads API

The Trade Leads API provides contract opportunities for U.S. businesses selling their products and services overseas. These leads come from a variety of sources and we continue to expand the number of leads available.

We currently provide trade leads, procurement opportunities, and contract notifications from:

  • The State Department’s Business Information Database System (BIDS)
  • FedBizOps
  • The United Kingdom
  • Canada
  • The Millennium Challenge Corporation
  • Australia
  • The United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)

All leads are consolidated into one endpoint and the output format for this API is JSON. This data set is updated daily. Test the API using the demo search app. Be sure to sign up for an API key to get access to the API. Resource URL and Search Parameters can be found towards the bottom of this page.

U.S. Businesses often request more notifications about trade leads. It can be difficult for them to learn about overseas opportunities especially those within complex industries where partnerships and sub-contracts are the norm. This API aggregates trade leads from several domestic and international sources so users have a broad selection of opportunities to choose from.

Use this API to keep businesses aware of the latest leads in particular industries or locations.

You can also enhance the value of the leads by incorporating reports from ITA’s Market Intelligence or Trade News & Articles APIs.

Resource URL

Search Parameters for All Leads


Searches for a match within the title, description, industry, and procurement_organization fields.

https://api.govwizely.com/v1/trade_leads/search?api_key={your key}&q={term}



Returns trade leads for specific controlled industry terms. This method allows you to search for multiple industries (plural) separated by commas.

https://api.govwizely.com/v1/trade_leads/search?api_key={your key}&industries={term}



Returns trade leads for a specific country based on ISO alpha-2 country codes. This method allows you to search for multiple countries (plural) separated by commas but will only return one country (singular) per lead.

https://api.govwizely.com/v1/trade_leads/search?api_key={your key}&countries={country code}



Returns trade leads for a specific Trade Region. Enter multiple values by separating with a comma.

https://api.govwizely.com/v1/trade_leads/search?api_key={your key}&trade_regions={Region 1,Region 2}



Returns trade leads for a specific World Region. Enter multiple values by separating with a comma.

https://api.govwizely.com/v1/trade_leads/search?api_key={your key}&world_regions={Region 1,Region 2}



Searches only the leads specified by the Source field.

https://api.govwizely.com/v1/trade_leads/search?api_key={your key}&sources={lead source}

Possible values of the source field: CANADA, FBO, STATE, UK, MCA, AUSTRALIA, USTDA



Returns leads based on their publish date. Dates are filtered by comparing them against an inclusive range, which must be entered with the following format: YYYY-mm-dd TO YYYY-mm-dd. Searching on a single date can be done by entering the same value for the start and end of the range.

https://api.govwizely.com/v1/trade_leads/search?api_key={your key}&publish_date={YYYY-mm-dd TO YYYY-mm-dd}



Returns leads based on their end date. Dates are filtered by comparing them against an inclusive range, which must be entered with the following format: YYYY-mm-dd TO YYYY-mm-dd. Searching on a single date can be done by entering the same value for the start and end of the range.

https://api.govwizely.com/v1/trade_leads/search?api_key={your key}&end_date={YYYY-mm-dd TO YYYY-mm-dd}



Returns leads based on their amended publish date. Dates are filtered by comparing them against an inclusive range, which must be entered with the following format: YYYY-mm-dd TO YYYY-mm-dd. Searching on a single date can be done by entering the same value for the start and end of the range.

https://api.govwizely.com/v1/trade_leads/search?api_key={your key}&publish_date_amended={YYYY-mm-dd TO YYYY-mm-dd}


size + offset

The size parameter allows you to configure the number of results to be returned up to a maximum of 100. The offset parameter defines the offset from the first result you want to fetch. Unless specified the API returns 10 results at a time.

https://api.govwizely.com/v1/trade_leads/search?api_key={your key}&size={1 to 100}&offset={1 to n}



Last Updated and Last Imported

Recency information about each source queried is given in sources_used in the following fields:

Field Description
source The name of the issuing organization.
source_last_updated The most recent date and time the data changed.
last_imported The most recent date and time the data was imported.

The source_last_updated field reflects the most recent date and time we noticed that the issuing agency had updated the data. We check for updates and import lists at the same time daily.

Search Performed At

The search_performed_at field displays the date and time of the current search in UTC.

Canadian Leads

The Canadian Government provides procurement information for their government opportunities.

Licence - Canada

Canadian leads are subject to Canada’s license located at:


Return Values for Canada

Field Description
country CA (Canada).
country_name Full country name (Canada).
title Title of the lead.
reference_number The lead’s reference number.
contract_number Contract number for the opportunity.
publish_date Date lead was posted.
end_date Closing date for the lead.
publish_date_amended Amended publish date for the lead.
status Status of the lead (note this API only shows open leads).
industry Industry category assigned to the opportunity.
ita_industries ITA industry terms associated with the assigned industry.
specific_location Location of the opportunity.
notice_type Type of contract.
trade_agreement Relevant trade agreement for the contract.
bid_type The criteria for the contract.
competitive_procurement_strategy Bidding criteria for respondents.
non_competitive_procurement_strategy States whether it is a competitive procurement.
procurement_organization Agency responsible for the contract.
implementing_entity Agency responsible for the implementation.
description Description of the opportunity.
contact Point of contact.
urls URLs that pertain to the bid.
source CANADA.
trade_regions Trade Regions associated with the lead.
world_regions World Regions associated with the lead.

FedBizOps / FBOpen Leads

FedBizOps is an online system provided by the General Services Administration that publishes procurement opportunities on behalf of 132 federal agencies. The ITA Trade Leads API includes only non-U.S. based procurements that are available through the FBOpen endpoint.

Return Values for FBOpen

Field Description
notice_type Type of contract.
publish_date Date lead was first posted.
procurement_organization Agency responsible for the contract.
procurement_office Office responsible of the contract.
procurement_organization_address Address of the procurement organization.
classification_code Code that classifies the lead.
industry Industry tag associated with the lead.
ita_industries ITA industries associated with the assigned industry.
procurement_office_address Address of the procurement office.
title Title of the lead.
contract_number Contract number for the opportunity.
end_date Closing date for the lead.
contact Point of contact.
description Description of the opportunity.
competitive_procurement_strategy Bidding criteria for respondents.
url URL that pertains to the bid.
country The country that pertains to the bid.
country_name The full name of the country field.
specific_address Address of the opportunity’s location.
source FBO.
trade_regions Trade Regions associated with the lead.
world_regions World Regions associated with the lead.

State Department Leads

The State Department’s Business Information Database System (BIDS) is a portal built to help U.S. businesses learn about significant international commercial opportunities.:

Licence - State Department

State Department leads are subject to their open government license located at:


Return Values for State Department

Field Description
id ID of the trade lead.
lead_source Source of the trade lead, typically an organization.
country The country associated with the lead.
country_name The full name of the country field.
specific_location Location of the opportunity.
title Title of the lead.
project_number Number for the opportunity.
industry Industry tag associated with the lead.
ita_industries ITA industries associated with the assigned industry.
project_size Budget for project in U.S. dollars.
description Description of the opportunity.
tags Keywords associated with the opportunity.
publish_date Date lead was posted.
end_date Closing date for the lead.
funding_source Funding source of the project.
borrowing_entity Bank funding the project.
procurement_organization Agency responsible for the contract.
contact Point of contact.
comments Comments about the project.
submitting_officer Contract officer name.
submitting_officer_contact Contract officer email.
url URL that pertains to the bid.
status Status of the lead (note this API only shows open leads).
source STATE.
trade_regions Trade Regions associated with the lead.
world_regions World Regions associated with the lead.

UK Government Leads

The UK Government provides procurement information for their government opportunities.

Licence - UK

UK leads are subject to their open government license located at:


Return Values for UK

Field Description
id ID of the trade lead.
country GB (Great Britain).
country_name Full name of the country (United Kingdom).
reference_number Reference number for the opportunity.
publish_date Date lead was posted.
min_contract_value Minimum value of the lead (in pounds).
max_contract_value Maximum value of the lead (in pounds).
status Status of the lead (note this API only shows open leads).
url URL that pertains to the bid.
procurement_organization Agency responsible for the contract.
contact Point of contact.
title Title of the lead.
description Description of the opportunity.
notice_type Type of contract.
industry Industry tag associated with the lead.
ita_industries ITA industries associated with the assigned industry.
specific_location Location of the opportunity.
source UK.
trade_regions Trade Regions associated with the lead.
world_regions World Regions associated with the lead.

Millennium Challenge Corporation Account (MCA) Leads

The Millennium Challenge Corporation provides procurement information for opportunities that meet their rigorous standards.

Return Values for MCA

Field Description
country The country associated with the lead.
country_name The full name of the country field.
publish_date Date the procurement was published.
url Link to the full procurement notice.
categories Categories array.
     item 1 Items in the array contain “note” text such as “CPV” number.
     item 2  
     item n  
title Title of the procurement opportunity.
description Description of the procurement opportunity.
funding_source Millennium Challenge Account (MCA).
source MCA.
trade_regions Trade Regions associated with the lead.
world_regions World Regions associated with the lead.

CPV numbers in the categories array refer to the Common Procurement Vocabulary of the European Union. Use these to help categorize the leads from the MCA. For example, CPV/45331110 refers to Boiler installation work.

Australia Leads

The Australian Government provides procurement information for their government opportunities.

Return Values for Australia

Field Description
agency Agency responsible for the contract.
contract_value Value of the lead.
description Description of the opportunity.
parent_id Procurement opportunity that this lead is related to.
procurement_method Describes who may respond to the lead.
publish_date_amended Amended publish date for the lead.
status Status of the lead (note this API only shows open leads).
industry Industry tag associated with the lead.
ita_industries ITA industry terms associated with the assigned industry.
project_number Unique number assigned to the lead.
publish_date Date lead was posted.
start_date Beginning date for the contract period.
end_date Closing date for the contract period.
country The country associated with the lead.
country_name The full name of the country.
url URL that pertains to the bid.
trade_regions Trade Regions associated with the lead.
world_regions World Regions associated with the lead.


Return Values for USTDA

Field Description
title Title of the procurement opportunity.
publish_date Date lead was posted.
end_date Closing date for the contract period.
description Description of the opportunity.
url URL that pertains to the bid.
source USTDA
country The country associated with the lead.
country_name The full name of the country field.
trade_regions Trade Regions associated with the lead.
world_regions World Regions associated with the lead.