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ITA Taxonomy

APIs from other Trade Agencies

ITA works with many other federal agencies to help U.S. companies get the resources they need and expand their overseas markets. These agencies provide APIs that are useful to developers.

The Census Bureau

The Foreign Trade office at The Census Bureau is the official source for U.S. export and import statistics, export regulations, and commodity classifications. Census provides data specifically about products and goods.

International Trade

The International Trade API provides annual import and export trade statistics with all major U.S. trade partners, and includes the total value of all traded commodities, and the total value of all traded manufactured goods. In addition, the International Trade API provides state-level commodity trade with those trading partners.

International Data Base (IDB)

The IDB offers a variety of demographic indicators for countries and areas of the world with a population of 5,000 or more. Population size (by single year of age and sex) and components of change (fertility, mortality, and migration) are provided for each calendar year beyond the initial or base year, through 2050.

Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

The International Accounts program within BEA publishes several APIs regarding economic statistics. In particular, these APIs provide the export/import balances for services between the United States and other countries.

To work with the APIs from BEA, developers need to first register for an API key, then review their API documentation. There are several APIs with export data that a developer may be interested in.

ITA (International Transactions)

BEA’s international transactions (balance of payments) accounts include data about all transactions between U.S. and foreign residents.

IIP (International Investment Position)

This dataset contains data on the U.S. international investment position including the accumulated stocks of U.S. financial assets and liabilities.

MNE (Multinational Enterprises)

Direct Investment by direction of investment, series, classification, year, country, and industry; and activities of Multinational Enterprises (MNE) by direction of investment, ownership, bank/non-bank, series, classification, year, country, industry, and state.