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Market Intelligence API

The Market Intelligence API provides metadata for Country Commercial Guides and other market insight reports that are produced by ITA’s trade experts. ITA commercial officers that are stationed around the world, publish these authoritative reports in conjunction with Foreign Service officers from the State Department.

The API only provides the metadata and links to the reports – not the reports themselves. The output format for this API is JSON. This data set is updated daily. Be sure to sign up for an API key to get access to the API.

U.S. businesses can use these reports to plan their market-entry the right way. The reports help them learn their product’s potential in a given market and the best prospects for success.

There are two report types available and they are categorized by country and industry:

  1. Country Commercial Guides
  2. Market Insight Reports

Use these reports to augment other market intelligence that you use internally or provide for your customers. You can use the search tags to pull only the country, region, and industry information that you are interested in. The API also provides the publish dates so you can to use the last_published_date field to order the information display with the most recent updates on top.

Resource URL

This endpoint will search across all types of Market Intelligence articles. To search a subset, see sources below.

Search Parameters for Market Intelligence


Searches for a match within the atom, references, summary, and title fields. Note: the atom field is searchable, but not returned in the JSON results.

https://api.govwizely.com/market_intelligence/search?api_key={your key}&q={term}



Returns articles for a specific controlled industry term. This method allows you to search for multiple industries (plural) separated by commas.

https://api.govwizely.com/market_intelligence/search?api_key={your key}&industries={terms}



Returns articles for a specific topic term. This method allows you to search for multiple topics (plural) separated by commas.

https://api.govwizely.com/market_intelligence/search?api_key={your key}&topics={terms}



Returns articles for a specific country based on ISO alpha-2 country codes. This method allows you to search for multiple countries (plural) separated by commas but will only return one country (singular) per event.

https://api.govwizely.com/market_intelligence/search?api_key={your key}&countries={country code}



Returns articles for a specific Trade Region. Enter multiple values by separating with a comma.

https://api.govwizely.com/market_intelligence/search?api_key={your key}&trade_regions={Region 1,Region 2}



Returns articles for a specific World Region. Enter multiple values by separating with a comma.

https://api.govwizely.com/market_intelligence/search?api_key={your key}&world_regions={Region 1,Region 2}



Searches only the articles specified by the Source, which corresponds to an article type.

https://api.govwizely.com/market_intelligence/search?api_key={your key}&sources={article source}

The Source Types for Market Intelligence Articles:




Returns articles based on their initial publish date. Dates are filtered by comparing them against an inclusive range, which must be entered with the following format: YYYY-mm-dd TO YYYY-mm-dd. Searching on a single date can be done by entering the same value for the start and end of the range.

https://api.govwizely.com/market_intelligence/search?api_key={your key}&first_published_date={YYYY-mm-dd TO YYYY-mm-dd}



Returns articles based on their most recent publish date. Dates are filtered by comparing them against an inclusive range, which must be entered with the following format: YYYY-mm-dd TO YYYY-mm-dd. Searching on a single date can be done by entering the same value for the start and end of the range.

https://api.govwizely.com/market_intelligence/search?api_key={your key}&last_published_date={YYYY-mm-dd TO YYYY-mm-dd}


size + offset

The size parameter allows you to configure the number of results to be returned up to a maximum of 100. The offset parameter defines the offset from the first result you want to fetch. Unless specified the API returns 10 results at a time.

https://api.govwizely.com/market_intelligence/search?api_key={your key}&size={1 to 100}&offset={1 to n}



Last Updated and Last Imported

Recency information about each source queried is given in sources_used in the following fields:

Field Description
source The source type of the article.
source_last_updated The most recent date and time the data changed.
last_imported The most recent date and time the data was imported.

The source_last_updated field reflects the most recent date and time we noticed that the issuing agency had updated the data. We check for updates and import lists at the same time daily.

Search Performed At

The search_performed_at field displays the date and time of the current search in UTC.

Return Values

Field Description Source
id Unique identifier for the article. ALL
source The source type of the article. ALL
title The title of the article. ALL
summary A short summary of the article’s content. ALL
first_published_date The date that the article of first published. ALL
last_published_date The article’s most recent publish date. ALL
url The URL where the published article is located. ALL
references Any reference information related to the article. ALL
url_name A unique URL indentifier for the article. ALL
industries The ITA industry terms associated with the article. ALL
topics The ITA topic terms associated with the article. ALL
countries The countries relevant to the article. ALL
trade_regions The trade regions relevant to the article. ALL
world_regions The world regions relevant to the article. ALL