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FAQs on Exporting API

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) API includes more than 200 commonly asked questions about exporting. The answers provided are from government experts that specialize in unique aspects of trade.

The output format for this API is JSON. This data set is updated daily. Test the API using the demo search app. Be sure to sign up for an API key to get access to the API.

Exporting goods and services overseas can be very confusing, especially for those getting started. This FAQ API is particularly relevant to trade organizations that want to help their members and customers learn the basics of exporting.

Because the FAQs are tagged by country, industry, and topic area, they can easily be published on pages that are specific to that tag. For example, a page about Brazil can include just the top most frequently asked questions about exporting to Brazil.

Resource URL

Search Parameters


Searches for a match within the question and answer fields.

https://api.govwizely.com/ita_faqs/search?api_key={your key}&q={term}



Returns FAQs for specific controlled industry terms. This method allows you to search for multiple industries (plural) separated by commas.

https://api.govwizely.com/ita_faqs/search?api_key={your key}&industries={terms}



Returns FAQs for a specific country based on ISO alpha-2 country codes. This method allows you to search for multiple countries (plural) separated by commas.

https://api.govwizely.com/ita_faqs/search?api_key={your key}&countries={country codes}



Returns FAQs based on topic name. This method allows you to search for multiple topics (plural) separated by commas.

https://api.govwizely.com/ita_faqs/search?api_key={your key}&topics={terms}



Returns FAQs based on trade region. This method allows you to search for multiple trade regions separated by commas.

https://api.govwizely.com/ita_faqs/search?api_key={your key}&trade_regions={terms}



Returns FAQs based on world region. This method allows you to search for multiple world regions (plural) separated by commas.

https://api.govwizely.com/ita_faqs/search?api_key={your key}&world_regions={terms}



Returns FAQs based on the date they were first published. Dates are filtered by comparing them against an inclusive range, which must be entered with the following format: YYYY-mm-dd TO YYYY-mm-dd. Searching on a single date can be done by entering the same value for the start and end of the range.

https://api.govwizely.com/ita_faqs/search?api_key={your key}&first_published_date={YYYY-mm-dd TO YYYY-mm-dd}



Returns FAQs based on the date they were last updated. Dates are filtered by comparing them against an inclusive range, which must be entered with the following format: YYYY-mm-dd TO YYYY-mm-dd. Searching on a single date can be done by entering the same value for the start and end of the range.

https://api.govwizely.com/ita_faqs/search?api_key={your key}&last_published_date={YYYY-mm-dd TO YYYY-mm-dd}


size + offset

The size parameter allows you to configure the maximum amount of hits to be returned. The offset parameter defines the offset from the first result you want to fetch.

https://api.govwizely.com/ita_faqs/search?api_key={your key}&size={1 to 100}&offset={1 to n}



Last Updated and Last Imported

Recency information about each source queried is given in sources_used in the following fields:

Field Description
source The name of the issuing agency.
source_last_updated The most recent date and time the data changed.
last_imported The most recent date and time the data was imported.

The source_last_updated field reflects the most recent date and time we noticed that the issuing agency had updated the data. We check for updates and import lists at the same time daily.

Search Performed At

The search_performed_at field displays the date and time of the current search in UTC.

Return Values

Field Description
id Unique identifier for the FAQ.
question The question being addressed by the FAQ.
answer The answer portion of the FAQ.
first_published_date The date the FAQ was first published.
last_published_date The date the FAQ was last updated.
url The URL where the published FAQ can be viewed.
industries Industry categories assigned to the FAQ.
topics Topic categories assigned to the FAQ.
countries Countries relevant to the FAQ.
trade_regions Trade regions relevant to the FAQ.
world_regions World regions relevant to the FAQ.