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De Minimis API

The De Minimis API provides data about the De Minimis amount and the Value Added Tax (VAT) amount that products may be subject to when exported to foreign countries. “De Minimis” is the threshold for a product’s value below which no duty or tariff is charged. Furthermore, products below the De Minimis undergo minimal clearance procedures, such as customs and paperwork requirements. Similarly, the value of the exported products must exceed the VAT amount before it is subject to VAT.

The API includes De Minimis and VAT amounts for almost 80 countries in that country’s currency. The output format for this API is JSON. This data set is updated only when the De Minimis or VAT amounts have been updated, which is usually once a year. Test the API using the demo search app. Be sure to sign up for an API key to get access to the API.

U.S. companies interested in exporting their products to new foreign markets need to be aware of the tariff rates and taxes that their products may be subject to, in order to price products for the end customer. A U.S. company is less likely to be subject to tariffs if the value of their product falls below the De Minimis amount. U.S. companies selling low value, small shipments are more likely to export to countries with high De Minimis levels.

De Minimis and VAT are two factors in determining the “total landed cost” for exporting a product overseas. Use this data, along with the tariff data from ITA’s Tariff Rates API to improve your algorithm for computing landed cost. Other factors to consider are: packing charges, shipping and freight charges, and local taxes.

Resource URL

Note: be sure to include the version number (v#) in the URL as specified below.

Search Parameters


Returns de minimis rates for a match in the country or notes fields.

https://api.govwizely.com/v1/de_minimis/search?api_key={your key}&q={keyword}



Returns de minimis rates for a specific country based on ISO alpha-2 country codes. Enter multiple terms by separating with a comma.

https://api.govwizely.com/v1/de_minimis/search?api_key={your key}&countries={country code}


size + offset

The size parameter allows you to configure the number of results to be returned up to a maximum of 100. The offset parameter defines the offset from the first result you want to fetch. Unless specified the API returns 10 results at a time.

https://api.govwizely.com/v1/de_minimis/search?api_key={your key}&size={1 to 100}&offset={1 to n}



Last Updated and Last Imported

Recency information about each source queried is given in sources_used in the following fields:

Field Description
source ITA’s De Minimis list.
source_last_updated The most recent date and time the data changed.
last_imported The most recent date and time the data was imported.

The source_last_updated field reflects the most recent date and time that we have updated the data.

Search Performed At

The search_performed_at field displays the date and time of the current search in UTC.

Return Values

Field Description
country_name Name of the country
country ISO-2 country code
de_minimis_value De Minimis value for that country
de_minimis_currency ISO-3 currency code for the country’s De Minimis
vat_amount Value Added Tax amount
vat_currency ISO-3 currency code for the country’s VAT
notes Notes for each De Minimis and VAT amount